Integration Gatherings

“How can we know ourselves by ourselves? …The opus of the soul needs intimate connection, not only to individuate but to simply live. For this we need relationships of the profoundest kind through which we can realize ourselves, where self-revelation is possible, where interest in and love for the soul is paramount, and where eros may move freely.“

Please come as you are…
The spirit of the times and the spirit of the depths inspired me to create a ritual space to welcome the full spectrum of human experience from Grace to Grief—in order to hold the tension of these opposites within ourselves and to attune to what is moving in and through us individually and collectively. Here we can integrate—digest and metabolize life’s offerings and create something beautiful out of it.
In this spirit:
We will gather together with some tender and brave-hearted humans, who are willing to dive into the belly of these ever-changing times, to tend our souls with an embodied, redemptive, restorative, writing practice used by writers and therapists alike, similar to C. G. Jung’s active imagination.
We will “unmask” and harness our own creative aliveness by expressing what is emerging on the threshold of our experience and then move that onto the page in its raw form without editing or revising. We will cultivate this healing practice together in a safe, confidential, ritual circle.
So, what might this actually look like?
I will read carefully-curated poetry, invoking its luminous light to touch our depths, provide prompts, instructions, and somatic practices to help us override our critiquing minds. Then we can dive deeper into our writing practice with attention to our process without aiming for product.
We will then take-turns reading, listening, and witnessing each other without judgment or commentary. There is an aboriginal word for this kind of listening—dadirri—deep listening and attunement as a spiritual and healing practice. We will each bring forth our medicine in this way.
All is welcome here—the ebbs and flows, the highs and lows, the ordinary and the extraordinary—all the blessedness and all the messiness of our human experience.
We are all a work in progress. Our embodiment is our opportunity to learn the poetry of our mortal dwelling from grace to grief. We are living paradox.

“Where you are is the Entry Point”
With this depth-inspired practice we are able to explore new ground in the psyche and return to daily life with the treasures discovered there. Please join us as we welcome the creative imagination in conscious embodiment.
There are no prerequisites. This is for both non-writers and writers. All you need is a quiet place to write, pen and paper, and access to Zoom.
I welcome your questions and invite you to explore the possibilities. If the idea of this journey piques your curiosity, please Contact Carol.
Weekly Live Online
6-Weeks \ 90 minute gatherings \ Cost $200 \ 6-8 people
with 2-3 writing-reading-listening sessions per gathering
(sliding scale available)
Please note: This is an experiential group and not a therapy group – it is therapeutic, yet not therapy.

“A poetis someone who can pour light into a spoon, and then raise it to nourish your beautiful parched holy mouth.“

“Working with Carol has transformed my life. I’ve been able to work through trauma and incorporate a greater sense of grounding, purpose, and regulation in my everyday existence. Her training and education is evident from the moment you begin working with her as is her capacity for attunement. Like the wiser elder in the room, she guides you through your experience using a mind, body, soul connection. Her intuition dives deep into your psyche forming a bond that is both transformative and healing. It is an honor and a privilege to work with her.“